Parents as Case Coordinators

Parents as Case Coordinators is a free online learning program for parents of children with a disability. It will help empower parents to manage their child and family’s journey as well as navigating the NDIS service network.  Parents will be able to grow in confidence and develop strong advocacy skills to support their child.

The modules in the program will provide parents with a toolkit to set goals for their child and family at various stages. This will then help them to prioritise the level and type of supports needed and from there to develop their child’s NDIS plan. 

Start our modules now to give your child the best possible support and enable them to reach their full potential!

Module 1: Introduction

introduction image

Introducing the Parents as Case Coordinators program including information on what is included and how to navigate.

Module 2: The NDIS

NDIS image

Learn about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) including an overview of the scheme and how to access it

Module 3: Goal Planning

Goal Planning image

Explore the importance of setting achievable goals and how to achieve them.

Module 4: My Support Network

my support network image

Learn about the importance of a support network for children, parents and families.

Case Studies Learning Module

Explore some of the most common questions that parents and carers of children with disabilities seek to understand.

Comprehension – Components and Processes

Conflict Management Learning Module

Learn about different types of conflict as well as strategies to help manage conflict in productive ways.

Dyslexia and Dyscalculia – Diagnosis Protocols

Dyslexia and Dyscalculia – Fact, Fiction or Something in Between?

Dyslexia and Dyscalculia – So what?

Frequently Asked Questions Learning Module

Review a range of family stories to gain insights and strategies on journeys that may be similar to yours.

Goal Planning Learning Module

Explore the importance of setting achievable goals and provides support for parents on how to achieve them.

How Do I Know What to Teach? Screeners and Observations



You are working in a specialist field of learning difficulties and there is a lot to learn, this website is simply another way for you to access content and support as you need it and will complement the other training materials and sess…


Introduction Learning Module

Introducing the Parents as Case Coordinators program including information on what is included and how to navigate.

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